Event Description
We are a Super Advanced International speaking club .... meet the best, mix with the best, learn from the best. Fully interactive .... meeting live and on Zoom.
2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 7 for 7.30pm
Hybrid .... Zoom and live at Stanton Prior [invitation only - contact Dec]
Zoom ID: 736-7801-5504 Password: 2d6tmd
Part of Toastmasters International .... the largest Speaking Organisation in the world.
All guests go free ..... we are a non profit club, so you only pay for membership when you want to avail of the facilities, such as having a mentor, using our Pathways educatonal system, making speeches, having them evaluated and entering our contests ... up to the World Championship of Public Speaking.
Fun, friendly and altogether fabulous.

Event Details
Future dates
Thursday 22nd December 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 12th January 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 26th January 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 9th February 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 23rd February 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 9th March 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 23rd March 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 13th April 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 27th April 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 11th May 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 25th May 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 8th June 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 22nd June 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 13th July 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 27th July 7:33pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 10th August 7:29pm until 9:31pm
Thursday 24th August 7:33pm until 9:31pm