Event Description
Ellie is bringing the healing vibrations of the planet gongs to the magical "Lost Village of Dode". Come for a transformational experience.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat and blanket if possible (I have some spare). Lie comfortably on your mat (preferably on your back with your feet towards the gongs), relax and enjoy the gong bath.
It is worth noting that each person is different and will have a different experience during a sound bath; you make experience visuals such as a dream-like state or seeing colours; you may experience temporary physical sensations as you undergo physical healing, for example tingling or becoming more acutely aware of areas where you are experiencing pain; You may experience different emotions, for example feeling blissful or tearful as you undergo deep emotional healing. All of this can depend on what you yourself are bringing to the session, physically and emotionally and mentally, but also depends on the specific gong being played as each gong has different qualities. Listening to the sounds of the gongs is generally a relaxing and meditative experience. However, it is possible that you may experience a dislike for a certain gong at a certain time. Usually this means you have healing to do in a certain area of your life, which this gong can help you with.
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