It's all about events
across the Weald and South East
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It's all about events
across the Weald and South East

Event Description

This course will start in the classroom getting to grips with the basic features of sedges and rushes. Simplified keys will be used for identification purposes and the emphasis will be on those species which are common in Kent.Following the classroom studies, participants will explore the lovely range of habitats, particularly the heaths and bogs, at Hothfield and/or the wet grassland and dykes at Holborough.By the end of the session participants will be able to:

Identify the basic structure of sedges and rushes and especially the flowers and fruits
Understand how sedges and rushes can be distinguished from each other and from grasses
Understand how other genera in the sedge family differ from the so called “true” sedges
Identify the differences between the two genera of rushes – Juncus and Luzula
Interpret the key characteristics which help us distinguish the different species
Led by Ros Bennett, Botanist and ecologistSuitable for beginners and improvers who don't have a working knowledge of sedges and rushes.

Photo: Jude Shorter

Event Details

22 Nov, 2020 -

Tyland Barn
Chatham Road Maidstone ME14 3BD Get Directions

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