It's all about events
across the Weald and South East
01580 715 772
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It's all about events
across the Weald and South East

Team Big WOW has gathered clear evidence that in this increasingly hectic world that we live in, what people want to know about and engage with is what is relevant to them locally, so they can make the most of their lives with family, friends and colleagues. Our market research also shows that people are as, if not more committed to supporting good causes and community events, as they are about attending larger and better funded ones.

The aim of Big WOW is to give every event organiser and venue the opportunity to promote what they do on a viable basis, with exposure to the greatest audience possible.

Are you passionate about your local area, county or region?

Perhaps you would like to empower organisations, businesses and venues by helping them promote their events?

Maybe you are as enthusiastic about marketing and promotions as Team Big WOW?


Big WOW technology has been built to enable the creation of additional website portals personalised to any alternative geographic catchment. It can even be adapted to meet the needs of specific sectors.

For a modest investment you could be

  • helping friends and families make the most of their lives locally
  • championing the cause of local organisations, businesses, good causes and communities that hold events
  • be running a successful enterprise that offers mobile flexible hours

If you are interested in joining The Big WOW movement to launch a franchise for your local area please email [email protected].