Event Description
The day begins in the classroom, with a discussion on bumblebee conservation and decline, evolution, lifecycle and their autecology. We will cover identification of all UK species, and there will be opportunities to view pinned specimens. In the afternoon, we will walk around the Tyland Barn nature reserve garden and meadows. Each participant will be given a net, hand lens and ID sheet for collection.
The objective will be to enhance participants’ knowledge and skills of bumblebee ecology and identification.
By the end of the session participants will be able to:
Identify all species of bumblebees found in the UK
Understand more about the lifecycle, conservation and/or ecology of the bumblebee
Learn about field survey techniques
Students should leave the day with a clear idea of how they can carry forward their interest and continue their study of bumblebees.
Led by Dr Nikki Gammans, Bumblebee Project Manager - Short-haired Bumblebee Reintroduction Project and President Kent Field Club, and Geoff Allen, Expert on bees, wasps and ants, and Recorder for Kent Field Club.
Suitable for those who know how to identify the big seven and wish to further their skills in other species. It is recommended you have attended a beginners study day.
Event Details